Harvard Mark I 1940s

Monday, November 27, 2017

Modeling Random Samples from Normal Distributions with OpenOffice Calc & C++ Part II

Modeling Random Samples from Normal Distributions with OpenOffice Calc & C++
Part II

Previously I explained how the samples console program tabulated statistical data for random samples of size 2 through n from a given normal distribution. I also noted that the errors program tabulated the differences between the analogous statistical values for each sample and the given normal distribution. I shall present some charts below illustrating the behavior of the error from sample to population as the size of the sample approaches that of the given normal distribution considered as a population. The normal distribution in this test run had a population size of 500. 

Behavior of the difference of the sample mean and median from population analogs as sample size approaches population size.

Behavior of the difference of the sample standard deviation, median deviation, and mean deviations from population analogs as sample size approaches population size.

Behavior of the difference of the sample variance from the population variance as sample size approaches population size.

Behavior of the difference of the sample skewness and sample median skewness from the population skewness and population median skewness as sample size approaches population size.

The C++ code can be found at:


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